oooh my homie Ciarra is your sexci latte for today-homie is doing big things-going to london for school daaang! cool and retarted at the same time so its always fun chattin with her lol. thanks buddy
Lonnie G. Johnson (1949 - ), an engineer who performed spacecraft system design for NASA, invented the Super Soaker water gun - the number one selling toy in America in 1991.
YO this kat right here? this kat right here? No doubt his style is fresh! Goes by Mr.Xerty aka Brice and is str8 out of France today. definitely hop ur go lucky self over to his gallery and be wowed! keep it fresh lol
Haha maaan so I came up with the name and idea when I used to work at MCDONALDS last year(08) one saturday during the morning rush, there were some customers fussing about having a fresh cup of coffee..we had pots sitting out but they wanted it fresh and made to order so we brewed up some more..and i was like dam fresh coffee! haha switched up how I spelled the coffee part(kaufee) so it would look cool..after messing around with some other names for the line I was stuck because i wanted it to be catchy and original..the way I saw it was that coffee is an addiction and if I use that mentallity of addiction and fit it to style and originality then dam it could be something cool! I base every design, which are all free-hand-drawn illustrations, around coffee and in each one there is a cup of coffee somewhere with the name fresh kaufee incorporated. then I thought, what if the shirts smelled like coffee?? I thought that would go great with the brand and people loved that! the company colors are coffee orientated. As for packaging I throw some creamer and sugar packets in the order to complete the idea.