big shout out to Frespiration for featuring some of my works in their illustrative collection and i had a mini interview yeeeeah! do ya see my name..second to last one :D
i was asked to do some work for a ZINE book this is part of the piece..bad sportsmanship is the theme..n its due today just need to scan the rest of the pic n get it over there lol..ill keep yall posted :D
Miss Raven is your sexci latte for today kicking off another fresh week. str8 out of San Antone..homie is pretty cool..goofy kid but handles her biz like a pro lol thanks buddy
Terry Taylor is the artist of the day aka VoteQuimby haha..str8 out of Tallahassee, FL the guy has a good sense of design, his illustrations are just bomb!! definitely go pay his gallery a visit! very edgy! keep it fresh
Haha maaan so I came up with the name and idea when I used to work at MCDONALDS last year(08) one saturday during the morning rush, there were some customers fussing about having a fresh cup of coffee..we had pots sitting out but they wanted it fresh and made to order so we brewed up some more..and i was like dam fresh coffee! haha switched up how I spelled the coffee part(kaufee) so it would look cool..after messing around with some other names for the line I was stuck because i wanted it to be catchy and original..the way I saw it was that coffee is an addiction and if I use that mentallity of addiction and fit it to style and originality then dam it could be something cool! I base every design, which are all free-hand-drawn illustrations, around coffee and in each one there is a cup of coffee somewhere with the name fresh kaufee incorporated. then I thought, what if the shirts smelled like coffee?? I thought that would go great with the brand and people loved that! the company colors are coffee orientated. As for packaging I throw some creamer and sugar packets in the order to complete the idea.