ooh ending a fresh week of sexci lattes with Sumiko! homie is the lil sis of a previous latte..and doesnt it run in the family?!? :) anyway she is sooo cool..badass even lol..goofy and always a pleasure to be around plus she down with fresh kaufee unh! thanks buddy
Shunkov aka Danillovesfood is your artist ending the week! man this guy here..wow! str8 out of the Netherlands too..killin it..so detailed so much talent gosh!! definitely hop on over to check out his gallery!! keep it fresh
Sarah is your latte for today..the homie is def one of the cool kids! lol always smiling and a fun to be with..but she just up n left us sigh* lol jk jk keep up the good work miss web designer :) thanks
Shane Hillman is the artist for today..the guy is BOMB!! str8 out of HTOWN houston, TX ha the guy is killin it with the style!! definitely go hit him up!! keep it fresh!
Ashley is your sexci sexci latte for today..str8 out of MO..St Louiiiis to be exact the homie has that drive to be on top! ambition thats the word :) lol..goofy and definitely down to have some laughs and she maaaaaybe can play some pool a lil bit idk :) thanks buddy
Minjae Lee aka Greno89 is the artist for today..str8 out of South Korea..yeah i said it!..the guy's work is phenominal and he is only 21! this is how we young folks get down! lol check out the rest of his works ASAP!! keep it fresh
OK YO FINALLY!! The Kaufee shop is Back up and Running..whats new?? well i have 3 Fresh shirts to Pre-Order..I want them to be out sooooooon so with ur help of pre ordering they shall be out some time this month!!!!!! yes ..all 3 of them.. VERY LIMITED EDITIONS AS WELL so reserve yours fast!!!!!!
Kelly is your sexci latte for today!! the homie is also an artist too so she is killin tha game 2wice! AI of Dallas..always smiling so definitely a positive attitude towards life. Somebody just got their first car..dang i know what that feels like lol congrats homie..n thanks!
Alex Figini aka Sundragon83 is your Artist for today!! His speedpainting is too fresh!! the guy's style is so strong and yet so smooth..str8 out of the UK with this one..definitely hop on over and check out his gallery!! keep it fresh
big shout out to Frespiration for featuring some of my works in their illustrative collection and i had a mini interview yeeeeah! do ya see my name..second to last one :D
i was asked to do some work for a ZINE book this is part of the piece..bad sportsmanship is the theme..n its due today just need to scan the rest of the pic n get it over there lol..ill keep yall posted :D
Miss Raven is your sexci latte for today kicking off another fresh week. str8 out of San Antone..homie is pretty cool..goofy kid but handles her biz like a pro lol thanks buddy
Terry Taylor is the artist of the day aka VoteQuimby haha..str8 out of Tallahassee, FL the guy has a good sense of design, his illustrations are just bomb!! definitely go pay his gallery a visit! very edgy! keep it fresh
Ooh knockin out the Saturday with ViAn :)...homie is the big sis of a previous latte hehe..anyhoo giggles, smiles, fun, great, a smarty, and grown woman status are just some of the words to describe my homie :) currently chillin down in FL (you lucky sonofa biscuit!) haha thanks buddy :)
Mark Gmehling is the artist for today kicking off a fantastic saturday..the guy is str8 out of Germany and is hella fresh with his style!! at the peak of creativity with these killer 3D illustrations!! definitely hit him up!!
Haha maaan so I came up with the name and idea when I used to work at MCDONALDS last year(08)..so one saturday during the morning rush, there were some customers fussing about having a fresh cup of coffee..we had pots sitting out but they wanted it fresh and made to order so we brewed up some more..and i was like dam fresh coffee! haha switched up how I spelled the coffee part(kaufee) so it would look cool..after messing around with some other names for the line I was stuck because i wanted it to be catchy and original..the way I saw it was that coffee is an addiction and if I use that mentallity of addiction and fit it to style and originality then dam it could be something cool! I base every design, which are all free-hand-drawn illustrations, around coffee and in each one there is a cup of coffee somewhere with the name fresh kaufee incorporated. then I thought, what if the shirts smelled like coffee?? I thought that would go great with the brand and people loved that! the company colors are coffee orientated. As for packaging I throw some creamer and sugar packets in the order to complete the idea.