Whitney is your sexci latte of the day..does she deserve it?? i highly thinkso :p ive known the homie for a while and she is an amazing person and absolutely loves to laugh..at herself sometimes even :p ..right about now she has her head in the books..and not on facebook..lol thanks buddy
ki know i didnt post ANYTHING yesterday so sorry folks but im back with another doooope artist Traci is my homie and so fantastic and creative is she! i mean dang come carve a pumpkin for me! and those eggs are something else! :) she is an illustrator, photographer, and graphic designer all in one!! oh and she diiigss fresh kaufee :D thanks buddy!
oooh Bailee is the sexci latte of the day! homie is the kooooooolest haha and such a beast at photography :) its always a blast to hang out with her..thanks homie and we have to trade some art soooon :)
oh and she is about to have her art show soon soo best of luck..and ofcourse ima come check it out!!
Billy Nunez aka BIZ02 is the amaazing artist of the day..lil late i know but wow check out his stuff..if you can tell by his style you will notice why i draw my ladies the way i do..the guy is a great influence on me, his lines are so free flowing its downright amazing! keep it fresh man!
my homie A'ja is your sexci latte of the day! from highschool homie was driven to be successful and thats just what she has done!! you wouldnt believe how much of an impact she has on people and im sure she is the most motivated person i know :) plus on top of all that she is gorgeous..thanks buddy ...oh n u better be coming to my art show!!!
Tien aka T-Wei chillin in New Zealand is crazie!! i mean he is another of my inspirations..his style is so loose but sharpened at the same time and i try my best to get that fluidity in my works as a result..i dont know what they have in the water down there but lemme get a sip bro ha! anyway peep the kid for real...keep it fresh man!
the ever so sexci miss Eva Janzen is your latte for today ;) koolest German homie i have lol and such a hard worker she gets it done! lol she is currently back in Germany and girl can speak multiple languages..all about her teaching im so proud of ya buddy :)
so today's artist is none other than my boy Francisco Moreno aka PACO ..went to highschool with the dood and he has progressed sooo far that i just had to get him on my blog..his style is so amazing, using different techniques and colors to get a unique result thats just o so PACO lol..he is a painter like no other and when im famous bro lol your works will be in my house and thats a promise! ha ..keep it fresh!
My homie Hannah is your sexci latte today :D ..always smiling and has such a good personality on top of all that sexciness lol plus she is craaaazy goofy..photo was taken by miss bailee harris...anyway thanks buddy :)
Mathieu Beaulieu is a imaginative genius, he is a great influence to my ideas..his ideas are hilarious and so detailed and ive never seen his style of coloring before-real smooth gradients and flowing lines..man keep it fresh!!
oooh check her fresh though! lol my homie Autumn str8 out of Oklahoma is one sexci latte!! she is always smiling for sum reason so thats definitely a good trait..thanks buddy :)
today's artist is miss Brianna Lamar :) killer works for sure and her up and coming clothing line Lucid Lush will be mighty fresh! i would describe her style as dreamlike and deeply poetic..keep it fresh homie...keep it fresh!!
AIDS awareness COMPETITION!!..please vote for us to win thanks!!!! its a collab between my boy marcus saunders and I winner gets $5000!!=fresh kaufee tees fore everyone lol-
wow one of the best photographers ive seen in a while...this guy is the real dea!l Mr. Andrew Thomas Clifton aka Evolutionsky. check out his work..his own style of quality shows through in all his works, ranging from culinary photography to celebrity portraits the guy is a BEAST! ive been admiring his work for quite some time now and have been feeding off him for inspiration. keep it fresh man!
Haha maaan so I came up with the name and idea when I used to work at MCDONALDS last year(08)..so one saturday during the morning rush, there were some customers fussing about having a fresh cup of coffee..we had pots sitting out but they wanted it fresh and made to order so we brewed up some more..and i was like dam fresh coffee! haha switched up how I spelled the coffee part(kaufee) so it would look cool..after messing around with some other names for the line I was stuck because i wanted it to be catchy and original..the way I saw it was that coffee is an addiction and if I use that mentallity of addiction and fit it to style and originality then dam it could be something cool! I base every design, which are all free-hand-drawn illustrations, around coffee and in each one there is a cup of coffee somewhere with the name fresh kaufee incorporated. then I thought, what if the shirts smelled like coffee?? I thought that would go great with the brand and people loved that! the company colors are coffee orientated. As for packaging I throw some creamer and sugar packets in the order to complete the idea.